12:00 pop OKOLJE

Slovenija je 2. država v Evropi z največjim deležem zaščitene narave

Britanski portal SaveOnEnergy.com je nedavno analiziral 80.000 nacionalno zaščitenih območij v Evropi in izračunal delež zaščitenega območja na državo, da bi ugotovili, katera država si najbolj prizadeva za ohranjanje narave. Slovenija je na drugem mestu!

Največji delež ima Luksemburg z znamenitima parkoma Geopark Mëllerdall in Naturpark Our, in sicer 76 %. Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe (2,586 km2) and is home to just 134 designated areas, but with these areas covering 1,963 km 2 they take first place.

In second place is Slovenia, with 72% of their country’s nature being protected, the country has a whopping 1,891 designated areas.

Malta has the third-highest percentage of protected terrestrial land in Europe! Covering 65% of their land, there are 250 sites for locals to enjoy such as Għar Dalam cave, Maqluba and Mdina.

Cyprus (57 designated areas) and Liechtenstein (44 designated areas) place fourth and fifth, as 56% and 45% of their country’s land is protected by legislation.

Foto: saveonenergy.com


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